Why I Said Goodbye to Etsy and Embraced My Own Website

Why I Said Goodbye to Etsy and Embraced My Own Website

In a world dominated by online marketplaces, the decision to leave a platform like Etsy might seem unconventional. However, after encountering numerous issues and limitations, I made the bold move to shift my business exclusively to my own website powered by Shopify. This decision wasn't taken lightly, but the challenges I faced on Etsy, combined with the unparalleled advantages of having complete control over my online store, made it a choice that empowers both my brand and my customers.


  1. Unjustified Payment Reserves: Etsy's sudden imposition of a 90-day payment reserve, not once but twice, left me questioning the fairness of their policies. Without any valid explanation, these reserves disrupted my cash flow and hindered my ability to manage my business effectively. Such practices undermine the trust between sellers and platforms and highlight the importance of a platform that respects its sellers.
  2. Exorbitant Fees Impacting Profitability: While Etsy has been a stepping stone for many creators, its fees often erode profits to the point where raising prices becomes the only viable option. By transitioning to my own website, I can set prices that reflect the true value of my creations, without sacrificing my profit margins to account for high fees.
  3. Drowning in a Sea of Competition: Etsy's vast and ever-growing marketplace can sometimes result in your unique creations getting lost amidst a sea of similar products. The fierce competition often makes it difficult for genuine artisans to stand out and find their audience.
  4. Lack of Meaningful Customer Service: Etsy's automated and copy-paste customer service responses can be frustrating and unhelpful. The inability to connect with a human representative makes addressing issues a time-consuming and impersonal ordeal.
  5. Empowerment through Shopify: Making the transition to Shopify, I gained complete control over my website's design, functionality, and branding. Unlike Etsy, where I felt like a small fish in a big pond, I can now shape my online presence to perfectly match my creative vision.
  6. Multiple Payments on Etsy: Etsy's multiple fees per transaction, including listing fees, transaction fees, and payment processing fees, create a complex financial structure that can eat into profits. With Shopify, I have a clearer and more straightforward fee system that aids in better financial planning.
  7. The Unavoidable Etsy Off-Site Ads: Etsy's mandatory off-site ads can be a double-edged sword. While they may increase exposure, they also incur a 15% charge on the total order value. This eats into revenue and takes away control over marketing strategies.
  8. Shift in Etsy's Demographic: Etsy's evolution has seen it transform from a platform focused on handmade goods to a marketplace flooded with mass-produced items and dropshipped products. This shift blurs the line between authentic artisanal crafts and low-quality, mass-produced goods.
  9. Detrimental Impact of the "Star Seller" Designation: Etsy's "Star Seller" program, intended to reward top sellers, has inadvertently introduced an added layer of stress and pressure for artisans, detracting from the joy of creating.
  10. Freedom to Diversify Products: With my own website, I'm not limited to handmade items. I can expand my offerings to include digital products, online classes, and more, providing a richer experience for my customers and opening new revenue streams.

In the end, my decision to leave Etsy in favor of Shopify wasn't just about a change in platforms—it was about taking control of my creative journey and business destiny. Shopify's simplicity, comprehensive support, cost-effectiveness, and the vast array of customizable features through its app store have transformed my e-commerce venture into a seamless, empowering experience.

So, if you're an artisan seeking complete autonomy, a seamless interface, and the freedom to grow without arbitrary restrictions, I encourage you to explore the world of self-hosted e-commerce. Build a platform that truly embodies your brand and provides the best possible experience for both you and your customers. After all, your creations deserve nothing less.

Shopify has an offer on at the moment that is £1 pr month, for three months. So that will give you plenty of time to see if Shopify is for you before you completely give up with Etsy.

Click Here for the offer. 

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